1. Dr. Desiree Scott: The Borzoi
2. Sue LeMieux: The book of the Greyhound
3. David Hancock: Sighthounds - their form, their function and their future
4. J. Allen: Dog anatomy
5. Ann Chamberlain: The Saluki
6. The Classic Arabian Horse
7. Stephen J. Bodio: The Hounds of Heaven
8. Vera Watkins: The Saluki
9. Schritt: Windhund
10. Raswan: Black tents of Arabia
11. Plum: Der Afghane und andere orientalische Windhunde
12. Murphy: Der Irish Wolfhound
13. Harold Spira: Canine Terminology
14. Gilbert and Brown: K9 Structure and Terminology
15. Gaede: Galgo Espanol
16. Joseph B.Thomas: Observations on Borzoi or Russian Wolfhounds
17. Bo Bengston: The Whippet
18. Nicholas: Nickolas guide to dog judging
19. Milorad Pavić: Ruski hrt
20. Fox: Understanding greyhounds
21. Galina Zotova: Russkaya psovaya borzaya
22. Hugo van Lawick: Solo
23. PD Dr. Udo Gansloßer: Verhaltensbiologie für Hundehalter - Das Praxisbuch
24. Juliette Cunliffe: Scottish Deerhound
25. Boris Špoljarić: Hrvatska kinološka baština
26. Robert Cole: An eye for a dog
27. Salme Mujunen: Structure of the dog
28. Gabrielle Slater: It is hard to be humble when you own a borzoi
29. Myra Savant Harris: Advanced canine reproduction and puppy care
30. Arthur Beaman: Lure coursing
31. Dr. Bruce Fogle: Pas priručnik za vlasnike
32. Jo Heller: Intereuropean borzoi almanach
33. Burham: Playtraining your dog
34. Obrien: Laras gift
35. Groshans: The complete borzoi
36. Hutt: Genetics for dog breeders
37. Jo Heller: Barsoi in der Kunst
38. Lynda Race: Afghan Hounds
39. Chadwick: The borzoi Handbook
40. Brian Patrick Duggan: Saluki
41. The dog encyclopedia
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